Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hi, I'm Marcelo and I'm writing here about the things and people who are important to me.
First I want to write about mt family, especially my parents,who are very important to me. All time I need, they are by my side to help and motivate me. I like to have fun with them, play games and pass hours and hours talking about nothing important. My friends are also very important to me, the most funny and crazy situatios I spent with them. With this guys I feel happy and safe.
Besides my family and friends, the girls who i have had some relationship marked my life, and turned it better. With them I learned love people and be loved. Today I thing that love is the most precios feeling, and winthout this feeling we are not human.
Finaly, I want to say that you have to enjoy your life, because it pass very fast and if you don't enjoy as much as possible yor life will never be completed.. The situatios we pass enjoying the life don't have worth.

                                                       By: Marcelo Buitrago de Andrade 1B 

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