Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hi, I'm Marcelo and I'm writing here about the things and people who are important to me.
First I want to write about mt family, especially my parents,who are very important to me. All time I need, they are by my side to help and motivate me. I like to have fun with them, play games and pass hours and hours talking about nothing important. My friends are also very important to me, the most funny and crazy situatios I spent with them. With this guys I feel happy and safe.
Besides my family and friends, the girls who i have had some relationship marked my life, and turned it better. With them I learned love people and be loved. Today I thing that love is the most precios feeling, and winthout this feeling we are not human.
Finaly, I want to say that you have to enjoy your life, because it pass very fast and if you don't enjoy as much as possible yor life will never be completed.. The situatios we pass enjoying the life don't have worth.

                                                       By: Marcelo Buitrago de Andrade 1B 

People that I love

   Hello guys. My name is Izabella and I’m here to write about the most important people in my life and what they mean to me.
   My family is the most important thing in my life. My parents, especially, could do anything to make me happy and they will support me in my whole life. My friends are like my family, they are my life and my happiness. These people are who help me and make me feel good and alive.
   In my opinion, everyone needs to have a good family and friends because this is worth living. We have to take care of these people and do our best to make than proud. 

Izabella Bitar

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Voices from the List

The film we saw was about some jews who survived in the second world war.
The documentary is called "Voices from the list". It was based in the well-known book Schindler's list. Real testimonials from the jews that were saved by Schindler can be seen on this film. Oskar Schindler was a Nazi, that helped the jews from the death, using them to work on his factory, paying for each  one.
The documentary is dramatic and touch the people showing them the pain that the Jews suffered in the second world war. It contains pictures, videos and songs that reproduce the real life in the concentrations camps.
It is a amazing documentary! We learnt more about the history of this people, and we started to give more value to our family, reality, and specially to our life.
No one is better than anyone, no one is worse than anyone. Everybody is equal. We are all human!

                                               Written by: Marcelo Buitrago
                                                                 Laura Lúcio
                                                                 Isabela Bittar

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The boundaries of the feelings

            We can have a lot of feelings, that are really important in a relationship, because the way we act and the relationship itself depend on it. And of course, there is the right way to feel.
Jealousy  is a feeling that you have when the person you love is cheating on you, or you think so. If you really like someone, jealousy is something you can’t avoid. It’s normal to feel unhappy when you think you might have been betrayed. From our point of view, as long as it can be controlled not to cause you two pain, this feeling is necessary, because we show we care.
There’s a limit even for love. It can be neither too much, nor too little. Surely, love is one of the most important feelings in life. But it’s not because you love someone, you have to unconditionally like them. Everyone has mistakes and if you truly love them you are able to see it all: the good part and the part they should change.
Every kind of feeling has a limit we should never cross to have healthy relationships. If you love too little, it’s not enough. If you hate a lot, it’s too much. When you don’t exceed this limit, it’s not likely to anybody get hurt.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Music in the slums

Vozes do morro, released on March 13th on 2008, is a beautiful program from Governo de Minas, through the Secretaria de Estado da Cultura, SERVAS and Sert-MG. It was made to get the slums communities together, no matter their places in the society, their jobs or their religion.

The program encourages the music production of bands and artists, who live in slums and poor neighborhoods of Grande BH. Those communities have a population of over 100 thousands habitants and an IDH of less than 0,65, like Ibirité, Santa Luzia and Ribeirão das Neves. The artists are allowed to participate when they haven’t gotten any benefit from laws that help those kinds of artists. Each participant can present two songs of their repertoire. The theme of the songs and the music style are free, they can choose what they want to play in the show. They record CDs and DVDs, and then the media publicizes that material, through the TV and the radio. The program gives the chance to those artists to have their music recognized.
On May 25th this year, Vozes do Morro was awarded with the second Prêmio Abap de Sustentabilidade in Melhoria Social category. This award is given by the Associação Brasileira das Agências de Publicidade (ABAP) to people and institutions that help solving social and environmental problems in Minas Gerais.
Cris do Morro, the coordinator of the program, says ‘Today, the voice of the slums is another one. It’s not sorrow anymore, now they sing with joy.’.

Sources:Vozes do Morro - website
SERVAS - website

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Web Guide

On the internet, there are a lot of amazing web sites that we still don't know. Here are some interesting and useful ones:
BBC (The British Broadcasting Company) is one of the most important broadcasting companies in the world. At, you can find news from all over the world, listen to BBC radio, watch TV programs, check the weather, and even learn other languages in the web site.

Sometimes, while surfing the internet, we get really bored. At StumbleUpon, you tell your age, and the topics you want, like science, or drawing, and then you'll get to a recommended web page. If you like it, you can click on an icon in the StumbleUpon toolbar. If you get tired of that web page, you click on the icon "stumbleupon" and you'll go to another one. It's really nice, and you can find many cool web pages.

YouTube is an online video communit, where people can send their videos and watch others. It has a search engine, so that you can find the video you're looking for. If you have an account, you can also save your favourites, post comments on people's videos and subscribe a channel, to receive information about the updates. 
Yahoo Answers is a website where people ask and answer questions about anything. You register for free at Yahoo, and then you participate in it.
Google maps is web site that has a map with the roads all over the world. You can find addresses, find ways to get there from where you are, see photos of the streets you'll pass by and check if the traffic is good or not.

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia with lots of files, written by its own public. You can get information about any topic, and also write about anything.
Newseum is a museum about the newspaper history, in Washington D.C., USA. At the web site, you can plan your visit, make a virtual tour, and check the front pages of newspapers from all over the world. There are more then 700 front pages from about 70 countries, including Brazil.
At HowStuffWorks there lots of files that explain things. So if you have any doubt about how something works, it's the perfect web site.
Livemocha is an interesting web site that helps you learning any language. You register for free, and the only information you have to give is your email, your country, the language you speak, and the one you want to learn. After that, you can enter a course, talk to people that speak the language you want to learn, do some exercises and even become a teacher and earn some money.
For free, at Dominio Publico, you can download books and songs provided by Brazil's government. You can also help them translating and typing the books they want to make available for everyone.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do you think it's safe?

Nowadays, people do everything on the internet. Most of them expose themselves to kinds of things that are not nice. Internet may solve a lot of problems we have with time, and transport, for example, but it can cause you some troubles, too.
At first, blogs didn't seem to be dangerous. People used to tell about their lives, share things and give information about anything. But, after some time, as the searching tools were improved, things got complicated. Now, if you want to see if someone has ever written about you in their blog, you just have to type your name and some information you think might be there. It's not hard. There is a discussion going on about what people can say on the internet: if you say bad things about someone, or even something, on a web page, you may be accused of personal injury.
On the one hand, it is really useful. Nobody can get pictures of you and do whatever they want. This does a lot of harm, and that will make people laugh at the poor one. It is fair if the person takes the blogger to court.
On the other hand, it takes away the freedom from people who are just saying their opinions about some products or other people. The companies are way more powerful (and usually rich) than the accused blogger. It's something that only exists in dictatorship.
Another problem with the internet is that paedophiles use it to get what they want. And if you can't see who you are talking to, how can you protect yourself from them? They create ways so that they can get to children easily, and make friends with them. Our country, Brazil, is one of the worst countries in that way. The number of pornographic images of children is one of the highest in the world. Ten years ago, paedophiles didn't have such an easy way to get to children. Now, on the internet they can be anyone they want, and lie.
Well, as you can see, we need to be careful with the internet. Here's some advice for you:

  • don't use rude words in your blog, or comment;
  • don't say anything you cannot prove;
  • in case some one wants to take you to court, try to make a deal;
  • be aware of the law;
  • don't give personal information, when it's not necessary;
  • don't talk to people who have weird nicknames;
  • download a good anti-virus in your computer, so that you can avoid hackers;
  • be careful with the images you put on your personal page.
Do you think the way you surf the internet is safe?

You can check out more about this at ISTOÉ - "A Liberdade de Expressão na Era do Blog" and ISTOÉ - "O Perigo Digital".